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Sunday Lunch

The McWilliam Park hotel, is the perfect location for Sunday lunch

Good honest, simple food from great ingredients.

What better way to end the weekend than a delicious Sunday lunch surrounded by friends and family? Fluffy Yorkshire puddings, mouth-watering roasts and all the trimmings you can think of, or one of our Sunday lunchtime classics.

A Irish culinary institution, it was once the highlight of the week bringing families together over the dinner table.

Throughout Ireland the revival of the great Sunday lunch allow's family and friends of all ages to savour classic gastronomic delights. Using only the finest, freshest and where possible locally sourced produce, prepared from whole raw ingredients, diners can enjoy traditional soups, prime beef roasts, and nostalgic puddings.

Our Sunday Lunch at the McWilliam Park hotel is available in the Restaurant with a delightful menu orchestrated by Executive Chef Chev and his brigade of chefs.

Sunday lunch menu

Or call us today at 094 93 78 000 to make a reservation or send us an email to